From the course: Articulate 360: Interactive Learning

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- [Instructor] Most courses are linear, and require learners click through the course in a specific sequence. Now to move past the click-and-read model, try opening up the course navigation, and allow for some non-linear navigation. That's where exploration and discovery activities can help motivate learners to interact with your content. Common examples of exploration activities include tabs interactions. These are a great way to organize and group related content. For course designers, building tabs interactions is also a great way to begin seeing content in smaller, more digestible pieces. Interactive labels and markers are another great way for letting learners explore and discover content. I like to call them the Swiss Army Knife of e-learning interactions because they're so flexible. But unlike tabs interactions, label graphics don't require a structured layout. Using small buttons, icons, and a call-out label, label graphics can be dropped on any image to let learners pull the…
