From the course: Archicad: Architectural Design Techniques

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Stretch tool

Stretch tool

- [Instructor] The stretch tool can be used to extend, shorten, or distort multiple 2D and 3D elements simultaneously. In this video, we'll explore its usefulness in developing our design. In order to stretch elements in the model, we need to first use the marquee tool to define the area to stretch. As we draw the marquee area, we can see it can be represented as a thick marquee or a thin marquee. The thin marquee means we'll only be stretching elements on the story. Whereas the thick marquee means we'll be stretching elements on every story through the whole project. Therefore, when we want to stretch, it's very important that we first switch between stories to make sure that the effects that we're going to have is as intended. Here, we see the marquee has been placed over the entire model. And so not only can the marquee or the stretch function be used to stretch or manipulate, but also to move over multiple…
