From the course: Archicad: Architectural Design Techniques

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Shell tool for design

Shell tool for design

- [Instructor] ARCHICAD shell tool allows for 3D rotation of an extruded composite generated from a polyline or arc. In this video, we'll use the shell tool to create a curved roof. In order to create the shell, I find it easier to first start with the 2D elements that are going to define its shape. In this case, we're creating an owning roof that's three meters wide and has a curved away or belly underside shape. Once we've defined the 2D geometry, we can then choose the shell tool from our toolbar. As we scroll through the info box, or go into the dialog box settings, we can see that there's a variety of ways of creating the shell. In this instance, we're going to use the extruded, not the revolved or ruled, and we're going to use the detailed construction method because we've already got the shape here, defined. If we wanted to define this with a mathematical number, then we might use the simple option. The shell…
