From the course: ArcGIS Pro Essential Training

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Publishing to ArcGIS Online

Publishing to ArcGIS Online - ArcGIS Tutorial

From the course: ArcGIS Pro Essential Training

Publishing to ArcGIS Online

- [Instructor] Since I'm already logged in to ArcGIS Online, when I logged in to ArcGIS Pro, I'm able to publish my maps directly to the web. Now it says so up here, you can see that I'm logged in to at the very top of my ArcGIS Pro environment. Now I can switch to an active portal if I have another portal available. That means I could switch to maybe a business-centric ArcGIS Online portal with my full name on it, or if I have a internal portal at my organization, I want to publish this data too. But for now, since I'm logged in to, I'm going to use that. So I'm going to create a new map and I'm going to basically put the BIKE_ROUTES and the BUILDINGS in my map, very simple map and I'll make sure the buildings are on top. There we are. And we zoom in and you can see here's all the buildings. I'll just leave it alone and the bike routes are red and the base map is there. So I may want to…
