From the course: AI for Project Managers: Fourteen Ways to Streamline Your Work

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Use AI to analyze project outcomes vs. objectives

Use AI to analyze project outcomes vs. objectives

- [Instructor] In this final chapter, you will learn how to use AI to allow for continued project success. In any project measuring success against initial objectives is crucial for understanding performance, learning from experiences and improving future projects. It's the 12th way to implement AI on your projects. AI tools, especially ChatGPT, can be instrumental in analyzing project outcomes versus objectives, offering a streamlined, insightful approach to evaluating project success. I'm now going to show you this process in action. So step one, define your project objectives and outcomes. Begin by retrieving your project's objectives from initial documentation that you created in the initiation phase. Once a project completes, compile data on what was achieved, including metrics, deliverables, and any other outcome indicators. Next, you want to allow for the documentation of these project outcomes. So I have now loaded up ChatGPT, and I've navigated back to one of the chats that…
