From the course: AI for Project Managers: Fourteen Ways to Streamline Your Work

The limitations of AI

- [Instructor] AI technologies can be immensely powerful for professionals. They can streamline workflows, automates manual processes, and they can also save you time and hard work, as we shall soon see throughout the rest of this course. However, AI technology must be used with caution and with some caveats in mind. It is not a perfect solution, nor can we entirely rely or depend on it. There are four particularly pertinent considerations you must consider before using any AI tool. Firstly, output can be inaccurate. Be particularly mindful with any output from any AI tool. It may be factually inaccurate or entirely fictitious and made up altogether. Output must be crosschecked and referenced and analyzed and not simply assumed to be correct. In some instances, it can be challenging to even identify where the information originated. Secondly, AI typically looks backward and not forward. Current AI language models are built on historical data or even data that it can find in real time. As such, this information is naturally predated. An AI tool cannot provide information that is yet to be identified or discovered. Thirdly, the output is only as good as the input. The best output from AI technology requires precise prompting and refinement. Secondary prompts, or even asking to produce the output again may be required in order to have an output you can even work with. Next, there is tool inconsistency. Not all AI tools have the same level of investment going into them. Some have their own language learning models, some depend on others, some use inferior models to what is currently available. Some models are more effective with certain use cases than others. Lastly, data privacy and protection. Be particularly careful and mindful of the data that you input into AI tools. Only use reputable tools, and be vigilant with sensitive information. AI language models are learning all the time from the information we give them. Leveraging AI technology is a skill that needs to be practiced. While the technology is always getting better, and while there are new solutions coming to the market all of the time, be careful when choosing what tool to work with, how you use it, and more importantly what you end up doing with the output. Next up, we will explore some best practices to ensure that you maximize your time and output with the tools.
