From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

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Key agile product owner competencies

Key agile product owner competencies

- The product owner role is challenging and exciting, and it takes a skilled professional to define and guide the creation of strategic and inspiring products. Among the many critical skills needed are relationship skills, analytical skills, decision-making skills, and leadership and communication skills. In addition, I find successful product owners also focus on other critical but often neglected and misunderstood skills like value analysis and facilitation. These skills along with the others just mentioned set great products apart. First, let's look at value thinking and analysis. How would your team benefit from a consistent focus on value from a person who truly understands how to find, communicate, and deliver value? Value should be front of mind for all product owners at all times. Like guard dogs of value, they ensure the team understands how features, stories, and sprints benefit the end user and the…
