From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

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Concept of product ownership as a team

Concept of product ownership as a team

From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

Concept of product ownership as a team

- One product owner often can't do it all; it's a big job. Perhaps as a product owner, the project is just part of your job, making it nearly impossible to fulfill the mission and vision of a great product owner. If you feel like this, no worries: you're not alone. Even if you have 100% of your time dedicated to the project, I'm sure you still have plenty to do, and maybe even wish you had some help. Let's talk about how some organizations are working to adjust to this common challenge. Many organizations are looking at the concept of a product ownership team. A product ownership team owns the value of the solution and facilitates decisions and priorities. This can take many forms, but the concept is that the product ownership function is shared since it is such a critical role and many product owners are stretched too thin to be effective. The product ownership team focuses on what to build, and the delivery team…
