From the course: After Effects Compositing: 3 Advanced Matching and Looks

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Freely work in HDR and render in LDR

Freely work in HDR and render in LDR

Now we've seen how this image resulted from working in 32-bit per channel HDR, I'd like to dispel what I consider to be a very common myth about 32-bits per channel, that you have no business working in this mode if you are not intending to render an HDR. I'd like to remind you that I'm working on an eight-bit per channel monitor. And more likely than not, you're also viewing this class on an eight-bit monitor. And we're seeing the image that we like. If I knock this down to eight-bits per channel, or even 16, it just doesn't look as good. So what I'm urging you to do is take advantage of what you can do with 32-bits per channel to create this image, and then feel free to render at low dynamic range. Here's how. This installation of After Effects is defaulting to the Lossless default setting. That's the animation codec. That's kind of an old one. Even if we change it to something modern like ProRes 444, there're only two color depths available here. Millions of Colors is eight-bits…
