From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 12 Tracking and Keying

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Setting up a stabilization

Setting up a stabilization

- [Instructor] If you have access to the exercise files that came with this course, open up the project file AEA Tracking and Keying.aep. If instead you are following along using our book After Effects Apprentice Second Edition, open up lesson 09.AEP. Over in the project panel, inside the Comps folder, is a composition named 01-Stabilization*starter. double-click that to open it. We're going to start you off with a simple motion stabilization challenge. I'm going to press zero in the numeric keypad to RAM preview, or if you don't have access to an extended keyboard, you can go ahead and click on the RAM preview button over here in the far right of the preview panel. This is some stock footage of wildebeest walking across the landscape, but you'll notice that the shot is bouncing up and down. If you're not quite sure about the motion, put your mouse over something that should be stable, like these clouds, and see how they move in relation to your stable cursor. That will show up any…
