From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 12 Tracking and Keying

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Applying a stabilization

Applying a stabilization

At this point, I've analyzed my clip, and After Effects was saved underneath my named tracker where it found the Feature Center on each frame of my shot, this Confidence that it indeed found at the right point, and I am going to go ahead and drag my time indicator through here and you see I kept a pretty high Confidence throughout the shot, and finally, where the Attach Point is located. Since I left the Attach Point at its default position, the very center, my feature region, it has the same coordinates as my Feature Center. Now that the analysis is done, I can actually apply the results of my track. In this case, I want to use it to stabilize the shot. So I will make sure my Track Type is set to Stabilize. Since I am stabilizing, my Motion Target, by default, is myself. Since, I am trying to stabilize myself, rather than having another layer, follow me. Once I verify these settings, I click Apply. After Effects will open a dialog with Apply Options so you can decide whether or not…
