From the course: Advanced Python: Working With Data

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Challenge: Build a data summary

Challenge: Build a data summary - Python Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Python: Working With Data

Challenge: Build a data summary

(upbeat music) - Okay, let's do a programming challenge. So we're going to use some of the concepts in this chapter to write a program to produce a summary of the data contained within the earthquake's file. So here in chapter one, in the start folder, I've given you the starting point. All right, so here's what we're going to do in this challenge. Your program is going to take the earthquake data that we've been working on and produce a summary of the data that includes the number of quakes in total, the number of quakes that were felt by at least a hundred people, you're going to print out the name of the place whose quake was felt by the most people, along with the number of reports. And then finally, you're going to print out the top 10 most significant events along with the significance value of each one. And let me just go ahead and run my finished version so you can see what the output looks like. So I'm going to…
