From the course: Advanced Python in Excel: Data Analysis and Visualization

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Visualize trends

Visualize trends

- Let's apply what we've learned in the prior video to make some decisions on Python or Excel, given various charts we'd like to plot. For example, if we're interested in visualizing reported incidents by category over time, we have a couple of options. Since this will be a simple line plot, let's leverage Excel. On a new tab, let's start by building a pivot table with the total number of reported incidents by year and category. Great. Now that we have our pivot chart, let's go up to our ribbon and insert a line chart. We will right-click, switch rows and columns, remove year, and change our axes labels, and click OK. We notice that the jump in 2022 incidents looks to be driven by theft. Let's add that as our chart title. From here, we can right-click, change chart type, and toggle between any other visualization option. For now, we'll keep it as a line chart. Now, instead, let's say we were interested to know what time of day or week most crimes occur. To achieve this, we might be…
