From the course: Advanced MongoDB: Efficient and Secure Data Management

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- [Instructor] A replica set, is the minimum MongoDB configuration you need for a production-ready deployment. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of replica sets, please check out my MongoDB Essentials course where I explain the concept in detail. Back to our replica set. Let's say your application started with this three-member replica set, and now your application has grown to serve more and more users. You may be running into multiple limitations. You might be seeing high CPU usage or high disc usage or you might be seeing high RAM usage, or you might notice that you don't have enough RAM to fit all indexes, which is really the preferred way of running your cluster. Or you might be seeing throughput issues. You can scale vertically by increasing the capacity of the machines that make up your replica set by, for example, adding more CPU, more RAM, or more storage. This is generally the first thing people do but…
