From the course: Advanced MongoDB: Efficient and Secure Data Management

Advanced MongoDB

- [Naomi] MongoDB is easy to use and powerful, more powerful than you may know. This course equips you with the knowledge how to use MongoDB's advanced features. If you are looking to learn how to use MongoDB as a developer, please have a look at the MongoDB Essentials Course first. In this course, you'll start by learning generally useful features such as the Stable API, Change Streams and GridFS. Then you'll learn about a few specialized collections and index types, trust me, they come in handy. Next, you'll learn how to scale your deployment and how to keep your data encrypted, even while in memory in the database. My name is Naomi and I spent a big part of my career working with and for MongoDB. I am very excited to equip you with the knowledge to take your MongoDB usage to the next level. Let's get started.
