From the course: Advanced Drum Recording Session with Josh Freese

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Experimenting with room sounds

Experimenting with room sounds

- Alright, so. - [Voiceover] Give me a little kick drum so I can explore these room mikes. (drum beats) On a big modern rock drum set up, it's great to have access to several pairs of room mikes to see what's really gonna play well with the drums on this particular song. So I put all these different mikes out here today to have a few different options to see what we can wind up with. - Hey Brendan, can you give me that TG on the 19 and 20? On the 44s? Smash that thing up a little bit see what we can do with it. And maybe a little kick snare hat. (kick snare hat beats) Thank you. - [Voiceover] I like the RCA 44s in the rhythm position because they can be really aggressive and gnarly sounding without getting too bright and harsh with the cymbals. In this sort of record, I'll smash it up pretty good with something like a Chandler TG1 or a pair of 1176s, something that's aggressive and gnarly to help bring that trashy sound out in the drum kit without getting in the way of the transience…
