From the course: Adobe Captivate: Extending with JavaScript

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Writing JavaScript within Captivate

Writing JavaScript within Captivate - Captivate Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Captivate: Extending with JavaScript

Writing JavaScript within Captivate

- [Instructor] To get started, let's take a look at where you can write JavaScript in Captivate and how you can kick it off. So getting JavaScript to execute is like getting a simple action or an advanced action to execute. Basically, you hook into events such as the user enters the slide, or the user clicks a button. Basically, the user performs an action, and then your project responds. So in our example file, we have a simple smart shape that is acting as a button. You can tell because the "use as" button checkbox is checked when I select the button. So to add JavaScript, that will respond to the button being clicked with that button selected. In the properties panel we're going to make sure that we're on the actions tab. And then on on "Success", we're going to choose "execute JavaScript". And when you do this a new button called Script Window appears, and I'm going to click that. And here's where we type in…
