From the course: Adobe Captivate: Extending with JavaScript

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Using the console to test

Using the console to test

`- [Instructor] I want to show you some other useful things that you can do with the console, such as testing code and looking up JavaScript objects right on the page. So we're going to be working with the same exercise file as the previous lesson, and picking up right where we left off in the browser. So if you haven't seen that previous lesson, I suggest watching that first and then joining me here after. Okay, so we're starting with the published index.html file of our project. So here's one way that you can use the browser console to learn more about the JavaScript objects that are available to you. So I'm going to open up the console by pressing Control + Shift + I. And so here in the console, I'm going to click here to make sure that I can type, and I'm going to type the word W-I-N-D and you can see that IntelliSense kind of already knows what we're typing and what I was after was window. So I'm going to go…
