From the course: Adobe Captivate Essential Training (2018)

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Force navigation in a project

Force navigation in a project

before they can move on, we call it forced navigation. to view the image that goes with the label. Once we've looked at all of them, you can see the continue button appears only then. And that means clicking continue will take us on to the next slide. So how do we create this now? And it is much easier than it ever was before. And it is much easier than it ever was before. I'm going to switch over to my Captivate project. You can open up HP_Navigation_NF. You will find that in the chapter seven folder of your exercise files, if you're following along. We have our first slide, the title slide. We have our first slide, the title slide. This is the slide that's important with the forced navigation, and the last slide. Notice that slide two has a specific name. It must be named multistate, all one word like you see it here. That is the first step. Then it's just a matter of creating the object that will have multiple states. You…
