From the course: Adobe Audition: Mixing Music and Dialog

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Enhancing dialog with EQ

Enhancing dialog with EQ

- [Instructor] Adjusting the EQ, or equalization of a dialogue recording allows us to boost or cut specific frequencies to make it sound better, anything from making a voice sound less dull or nasal, to improving its clarity and presence in a mix. For this video I'm going to focus on my second track here, so I'm just going to select these clips here, and go up to my Edit menu, and I'm going to choose Select Time around Selected Clips, and that just puts an in and an out point, either side of those clips, so I can easily loop through them with playback. Whenever I do EQ work in a multi-track session, I find it's a good idea to have my Frequency Analysis panel open at the same time, so what I'm going to do is go over to my Essential Sound panel, which I don't need for this, and I'm just going to close this panel, and then I'll go over to my Window menu, and I'm going to select "Frequency Analysis," and it opens up this graph here. And what this does is show me the amplitude of each…
