From the course: Adobe Audition: Mixing Music and Dialog

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Advanced noise reduction

Advanced noise reduction

- [Instructor] One of the most powerful noise reduction tools in Audition is the noise reduction process effect. This is ideal for removing constant sounds like background hum, hiss, and other broadband noise. You'll notice that the effect has the word process at the end in brackets. And this means that it has to be applied directly to the audio file in the waveform editor and copy used in the effects rack. The audio that I want to work on is on this track down here. I'll just scroll down to this and move my play head over here and zoom in on the file. And what we have here is an interview that was done in an office and it sounds like the air conditioner in the background is just a little too loud and a little bit too present in the recording. I'll just solo this so we can have a listen to this. - [Speaker] When you have an experiential event like Project RELO. And you get that emotional bond with people and you really see this stuff first hand, that's when that lesson gets rooted…
