From the course: Ableton Live: Producing Electronic Music

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Exporting and saving your project

Exporting and saving your project

- While you're working on music it's really important to save your project. I've kind of gotten in the habit of just hitting save every five minutes just to make sure that if anything goes wrong, or if I accidentally quit, or if a program accidentally crashes, I don't lose my work. In Ableton Live there are a few different ways to save and it's actually really important to quickly point them out because you'll wanna save the correct way so that you don't lose your work after you've spent a lot of time making it. So we're going to go to File and let's go to where it says, "Collect All and Save." In many other programs you just have Save, Save As. But in Live we have Collect All and Save. And we're gonna click on that and then we have a popup here that is asking us to specify which MUS media files are to be copied into the project. We have files from elsewhere, files from other projects, files from our user library, files from factory packs we've downloaded. And in all these cases I…
