From the course: Ableton Live: Producing Electronic Music

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Capture recording

Capture recording

- [Narrator] Now I want to show you one of my favorite features in the latest version of Ableton Live. It's called Capture and what Capture does is essentially capture the MIDI data and tempo information even when you don't have record enabled. So this is a really great feature and one I use all the time. Let me show you how it works. Okay, I have the core 808 kit on track one and I'm just going to play some notes here. (simple drum beat) Pretty simple and now if I go up to the square box here in the top nav and click on it. (simple drum beat) You can see that even without record being enabled up here, Capture is working and listening all the time to what I'm playing. And you'll notice that it literally captured the notes and my performance here in the bottom in the MIDI note data and then you'll also notice on the upper left, the tempo has changed from 120 to 85. So, it's a really cool feature and especially if you're starting a track and if you're starting with your drum track kind…
