From the course: Ableton Live 10 Essential Training

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Simpler classic

Simpler classic

- Now that we've taken an introductory look at Simpler, it's time to dig in and take a closer look at the three playback modes and how they're best used. Let's start with classic mode. So, classic mode is typically used to trigger a section of a longer sample and that could be anything from a drum groove to an entire song. So, I've just got a default set open And let's grab Simpler and let's drag and drop it on this first mini-track. Now, we need to get a sample and I've got a couple out in the exercise files folder, so let's find that. And if you'll go into Chapter 12 and the sub-folder for this particular video, you'll find that there are a couple of audio files. Let's grab the one named drum set groove and let's drag and drop it here into Simpler. So, there must be about 16 bars here with about two or three different ways that this groove is played. So, let me just play a bit, so that you can hear what it sounds like and then we'll go in and we'll set a loop on a portion of it…
