From the course: Ableton Live 10 Essential Training

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Saturator and pedal

Saturator and pedal

- [Instructor] Saturation and distortion effects are useful tools that can be used to give a track a bit of character and help it stand out in a mix. Live offers several useful plugins in this category, so let's take a look at a couple of my favorites, Saturator and Pedal, which is a new distortion effect included with Ableton Live Suite 10. And let's start by grabbing the Saturator plugin out of the Audio Effects category of the browser, and let's drag and drop it on this first track, the big shiny pad track. Now before we play around with this, I'm going to disable the activator button and let's just play the clip so we can hear what we're starting with. (passionate electronic music) So this is a great example of synth parts that often need just a little bit more of something to give them a little more character or warmth, and I typically end up using plugins like Saturator to do that. So let's go down and let's enable the activator button again, and I'm primarily going to work with…
