From the course: Ableton Live 10 Essential Training

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Multi-clip editing

Multi-clip editing

- [Narrator] One of the new functions available in Live 10 is the ability to simultaneously view and edit multiple MIDI clips in the MIDI editor. So let's take a look and see how multi-clip editing works. Let's open up exercise seven from chapter five, and let's start first by selecting the clips on a single track. So I'll shift click this chorus pad clip and I'll go over to the end and I'll shift click the last clip so that they're all selected. Now, you'll notice down in the MIDI editor, the last clip that I selected over here on the right is currently in focus and the MIDI notes have the same color as the clip. All of the other clips down here are gray. But we can tell that we have multiple clips because as we look at the measure numbers in the ruler, across top, we can see that that matches the selection. Now, just below the measure numbers, there's little bars that if you click on them, will change the focus to one of the other clips in the selection. We can also do the same…
