From the course: Ableton Live 10 Essential Training

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Graphic automation

Graphic automation

- [Instructor] Automation is a critical element of most projects. It allows you to make real-time changes to mixer parameters like volume, mute, and pan as well as device parameters such as ADSR settings or filter cutoff frequencies. Let's start by taking a look at how you can add graphic automation in arrangement view. So let's open up exercise one from chapter 15, and for those of you who used earlier versions of Ableton, there's a couple new things with automation envelopes here in version 10. First of all, there's now this button right above the top track that enables and disables automation mode. For example, with that disabled, if I open up the Verse Saw Pad track here by clicking the unfold button, you notice that we don't automatically see automation here anymore. Instead, we'll need to click this button or use the key command, which would simply be the letter A. And now we can see the automation here for the last selected parameter. Over here on the track header, there are…
