From the course: Ableton Live 10 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] The Ableton 10.1 update also includes a second new plugin called Delay. This effect combines and replaces the simple delay and ping pong delay, two devices that were previously included with purchases of Ableton Live. So I've got exercise two open from chapter two, and we're going to be working using this verse plucked track, plucked synth track. So, I'm going to solo that so that we can hear that, and then we're going to use Delay by putting the delay on a return track, so let's grab the Delay plugin from the audio effects category, and let's drag and drop that on the return track. I'll just remind you that when you put a time-based effect like a delay or a reverb on a return track, you're going to want to set the dry/wet setting at 100%, so that we only have process signal on the return track, and the dry signal is coming solely from the source track. Okay, now as we look at this plugin, I'll point out that…
