From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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How to make your writing tight

How to make your writing tight

- In the last lesson I introduced you to the concept of simplicity and explained why it's important to apply it to your writing. In this lesson, you're going to learn why it's important that you remove all unnecessary words from your writing whenever possible or feasible so that you can make it as crisp, concise, and efficient as possible. Now, by the end of this lesson you'll have learned several different ways to make your writing more tight, as they say, and thereby more snappy or punchy. Now, one reason why your writing can often feel slow and heavy is because it contains too many unnecessary words in it, what you might call wordy or long-winded writing. Conversely, good writing often feels tight or springy and therefore more engaging and readable precisely because all of that hot air has been taken out from your sentences. Let's have a closer look at this idea which some of us call economy in writing. Imagine…
