From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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How to make your writing tidy

How to make your writing tidy

- Few writers these days pay enough attention to the aesthetics of how their writing looks on the page. After this lesson, you won't be one of those messy writers. Indeed, you're going to know how to spit and polish up your text, so that they end up being as pleasing to the eye as they are to the ear. Now, there are many ways to help make your writing look more elegant from a presentational standpoint. At the most basic level, you want to clean up any obvious messiness in your copy, starting with typos, spelling, punctuation mistakes. But beyond such obvious messiness, there are other things to look out for, things like inconsistency, or a lack of symmetry on the page itself. For instance, do check that all of your headings and subheadings are in the same type of font. Perhaps you changed the font at some point and left one heading accidentally out of the change. That creates a mess. And are those headings and…
