From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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How to make your writing musical

How to make your writing musical

- In this lesson, you're going to discover that there is another layer of elegance that you can add to your writing that will also help to make it flow well. It's a concept that I sometimes call musicality. Once you understand this concept of musicality, you'll be able to give your writing what many writers like to refer to as rhythm. I'm talking about the quality that turns a clunky sounding piece of writing into something that dances along beautifully, or that sings to you. Now, when you have this musical quality running through your words, sentences, and paragraphs, that is when your writing really begins to take on the so-called wow factor. The trouble, however, is that musicality and rhythm are really difficult concepts to explain in the context of writing, even though many of us will easily recognize them when we encounter them. To my students, I often show this excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther…
