From the course: 3ds Max 2024 Essential Training

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Creating keyframes in Set Key mode

Creating keyframes in Set Key mode - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2024 Essential Training

Creating keyframes in Set Key mode

- [Instructor] Set key is a manual creation mode for animation key frames. It gives you a little more control than auto key but it takes a little more setup in advance. In this scene, I already have position key frames on the camera. Let's take a look at that. I'll press play in the transport controls. The camera moves across the room in a slight arc over a period of five seconds. Okay, so that looks pretty good. I'll stop that and rewind. I want to layer some animation on top of this. I'll add some rotation to make the camera orbit through the room. I'll rewind that. Select the camera and select the rotate tool. And from the reference coordinate system pull down, choose gimbal coordinates. For a pan left to right. We'll want to rotate around the gimbal z-axis and that's what will be recorded in the animation tracks. We can edit that curve in the function curve editor later. We don't have any key frames for rotation…
