From the course: 3ds Max 2023 Essential Training

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Controlling level of detail for a Bevel modifier

Controlling level of detail for a Bevel modifier - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2023 Essential Training

Controlling level of detail for a Bevel modifier

- [Instructor] In the last movie, we applied a Bevel Modifier to our logo here to make it 3d and give it a chamfered or angled edge. And this is fine if this is going to be a static model. If this is just going to be a flying logo that literally flies around on the screen, that's really all we need to do. But let's say, for example, we wanted to make this change shape. We wanted it to have some kind of ripple or deformation. In that case, what we see here would not be sufficient because it does not have enough polygon detail. There aren't enough points on the surface in order to create a smooth deformation. So let me illustrate, I'll select that object, and go to the Modifier Panel and let's add a deformer which is called noise, and we'll add it above the Bevel. So if we select the Bevel Modifier and then add some new modifier, it'll be added above the Bevel. So let's choose noise. We can scroll down and choose Noise.…
