From the course: 34 Things to Know about Carbon and Climate


- If it were 1700, and you decided you wanted to kill all the whales, one thing you could do is go recruit a whole bunch of captain Ahab types, teach them to hunt whales and send them out. Wouldn't work very well. The other thing you could do is build a system. You could show people that whale oil was a profitable and effective way to light our homes at night. And then you'd have whale oil distribution centers, and people who made a living refining whale oil and plenty of people who went out to hunt the whales. And if a couple centuries later you wanted to save the whales, one thing you could do is invent kerosene, and suddenly the economics behind whale hunting would go away. And yes, this is a metaphor, but we have a lot to talk about, a lot to learn when it comes to doing something about our climate. And if you've come here looking for a simple, direct, easy and convenient way to somehow intervene in our climate and get things back to normal, that's not what's on offer here. Instead, we're here to talk about something that's sophisticated and complicated, and will require patience and insight. And you are an exactly the right place to make a difference. A bunch of volunteers have come together to help you, to help me, to help all of us lean into this problem and do something about it.
