From the course: 21-Day Drawing Challenge

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Day 20 challenge: Live drawing

Day 20 challenge: Live drawing

From the course: 21-Day Drawing Challenge

Day 20 challenge: Live drawing

- Welcome to Day 20 of the 21 Day Drawing Challenge. One of the best ways to exercise your drawing skills is to do live drawing on a regular basis. You just visit a public place like a city park, a coffee shop, a marketplace, an amusement park, or a mall and simply draw what you observe. It's a great way to speed up your drawing and not get bogged down in the details because people and things wont stay in one place very long. You'll need to capture them quickly. Your drawing challenge today is to visit a public place in the surrounding area you live and draw what you observe. The subject matter may be the people or the architecture, animals or nature itself so figure out where you're headed and ideally spend at least two hours drawing as many things as you can that you observe.
