Get started with Business Manager

Last updated: 5 months ago

Business Manager allows large organizations to centrally manage their ad accounts, LinkedIn Pages, and Matched Audiences, and the people and business that work on them. 

To get started with Business Manager: 

  1. Create a Business Manager account.  

  2. Invite people.  

    • We recommend inviting other admins before adding your ad accounts or Pages.  
    • You’ll need the work email addresses of the people you invite. It doesn’t matter if the email address is associated with their LinkedIn profile, but they must have a LinkedIn profile.  
  3. Add your ad accounts.

    • Start by claiming ad accounts your organization owns. Only one Business Manager can own an ad account. 
    • If another organization owns ad accounts you need to work on, you can request access to those ad accounts. If the other organization has a Business Manager, you can create a partnership so that the organization can share ad accounts with you from Business Manager.
  4. Add Pages.

    • Similar to ad accounts, start by claiming Pages your organization owns. Each Page can be owned by one Business Manager.
    • If you don’t own the Page, you can request access to the Page. If another Business Manager owns the Page, you can create a partnership so that the organization can share the Page with your Business Manager.
  5. Create Business Manager partnerships.

    • You’ll need your partner’s Business Manager ID to create a partnership, which they can find in the upper-left corner of Business Manager.
    • Before adding ad accounts or Pages, you can reach out to the various businesses you work with to let them know you’re onboarding to Business Manager and your partners can create a Business Manager as well.

Here's a tip

Visit the Business Manager marketing page for onboarding and getting started tips. You can also learn more about Business Manager with courses and step-by-step learning paths using LinkedIn Marketing Labs.

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