Svea Solar

Svea Solar


Stockholm, Stockholm County 24 549 följare

Power is Shifting

Om oss

Svea Solar is digitalising energy. We have made it our business to shift the planet away from dirty energy towards renewable power. This is where we can make a difference – and we have only started our journey. We believe that good things will happen when people own their power.

501–1 000 anställda
Stockholm, Stockholm County
Privatägt företag
Renewable Energy, Software och Solar


Anställda på Svea Solar


  • Visa organisationssidan för Svea Solar, grafik

    24 549 följare

    Do you know what energy you are using? ⚡️ Energy accounts for 73% of global CO2 emissions. Despite this, energy is one of the least traceable products. Guarantees of origin are only verified annually, making it impossible to know the energy used. In a pilot with Spritju we are trying to solve this, by verifying the energy source on an hourly basis. A pilot aimed to increase traceability and support the energy transition to renewable sources. "To succeed in the climate transition, it is important to provide transparent information about what energy we consume to be able to shift our consumption to green energy sources. The current system of guarantees of origin is ineffective. A more transparent system will also result in increased compensation for solar producers," says Sebastian Back, Business Manager Energy Services at Svea Solar. Read more here 👉 #traceability #solar #sustainability #energy #powershift

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Svea Solar, grafik

    24 549 följare

    "We call ourselves "Team Friendship," which might reveal something about us. We’re a group of like-minded people, but all with different backgrounds and knowledge. We like to help each other succeed!" It's a true pleasure to host Adam Ahlén in today's #BehindTheGrid! Adam has developed into the role as Senior Sales Consultant, won the prestigious award "Sales Person of the Year" 2023 - and has also just learned how to solve the Rubik's Cube. Great accomplishments Adam 🏆 "Svea Solar is a great place to work, with great people from different backgrounds. You have a lot of freedom and responsibility, and the right conditions to do a great sales job. And of course, we have a great commission based on your performance" says Adam. * Join Adam and Team Friendship - read the advert here: * Read the full interview with Adam here:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Svea Solar, grafik

    24 549 följare

    Yesterday, our Svea Solar team in Germany came together for a cleanup event along the Rhine in Cologne, collecting an incredible 160 kg of waste in no time! 🌎   This initiative with K.R.A.K.E e.V. and the activity week by many different companies from Cologne and Stadt Köln perfectly reflects two of our core values:   Safe and Sustainable: We’re committed to reducing our negative impact on the planet. By cleaning up the environment, we’re actively contributing to a safer, more sustainable future for everyone. 🌱   Do it Together: Teamwork truly makes the dream work! Together, we achieved something great, showing the power of collaboration. 🤝   Thank you to every Powershifter involved and K.R.A.K.E. e.V. for their impressive work!  #Sustainability #Teamwork #SveaSolar

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Svea Solar, grafik

    24 549 följare

    Safety First! ☀ (... and we're looking for more Safety Professionals) "Our ambition is to lead the industry in safety and set the standard for other players. While prioritizing the safety of our installers, this also ensures that we deliver high-quality and secure installations." Our Learning & Development Manager, Christian Ehrenstråhle, shares Svea Solar's safety mission and vision in a recent interview with STF Ingenjörsutbildning AB. To further strengthen our safety ambitions, we're currently hiring a Safety Specialist to Head of Safety Beatrice Fernström's team. 👀 Read the full interview with Christian here: 👀 Join the Power Shift as a Safety Specialist, read the advert here:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Svea Solar, grafik

    24 549 följare

    Svea Solar is one of the best photovoltaic installers in Germany!☀ In the latest photovoltaic installer test, we came 3rd with an overall score of 1.8 (on a scale of 1 to 6, with 1 being the best). We scored particularly well in the categories of 𝗾𝘂𝗼𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆, 𝗾𝘂𝗼𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 and 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. A big thank you to our #PowerShifters. This would not have been possible without you. Read the full article here 👇

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Svea Solar, grafik

    24 549 följare

    Yesterday our sales team participated in an engaging training session led by Jan Bossier from SalesWorx. Jan not only shared valuable insights but also provided our Power Shifters with plenty of practical tips and tricks to ensure our clients receive the best experience possible. Thanks Jan! ☀ #customerexperience #powershift #training #neverstoplearning #sales

    Visa profilen för Laeticia Manand, grafik

    Head of HR - Belgium

    [English below] Onder het motto: #neverstoplearning willen we onze Power Shifters voortdurend ondersteunen met extra opleidingen. Zo krijgen ze alle tools om te blijven groeien in hun rol en onze klanten de beste ervaring te geven die er is. Enorm bedankt Jan Bossier van SalesWorx voor de interessante training en de handige tips en tricks! Ons salesteam kan niet wachten om ze toe te passen. Under the moto: #neverstoplearning we want to provide our Power Shifters with continuous trainings. That way they get all the tools to excel in their jobs and give our customers the best experience there is. A big thanks to Jan Bossier from SalesWorx for the interesting training and the handy tips and tricks! Our sales team can’t wait to put them to good use. #neverstoplearning #salestraining #L&D #growaswegrow #powershifters

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Svea Solar, grafik

    24 549 följare

    We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Sveaskog, with plans to add over 1 GW of solar energy to the Swedish power grid ⚡️ To put this in perspective, the total installed solar capacity in Sweden in 2023 was 4 GW, making our joint effort of 1 GW a major contribution to Sweden’s energy landscape. This means that in the upcoming 5 to 7 years we will develop several large-scale solar parks. Producing green and local energy equivalent to an average nuclear reactor. Read more here 👉 #renewableenergy #solarpower #sustainability #powershift 

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Svea Solar, grafik

    24 549 följare

    This week we celebrated the inaugurating of another solar park, and this one is special - It will power Sweden's largest camping site, Böda Sand Beach Resort, with solar energy. A major step towards a sustainable future on Öland, and a true testament to the power of solar power! What makes this achievement even more remarkable is the speed at which it was accomplished. From the first groundbreaking to a full solar park, it took us just 50 days. This is not just an amazing feat — it's proof of what’s possible with solar power and the commitment of a passionate team and partners. We want to thank Böda Sand for the trust and great collaboration throughout the whole project, Länsstyrelsen Kalmar län and Borgholms kommun, and Lena Hallengren (S) and all Böda Sand camping guests for joining us at the inauguration and celebrating this milestone and learning about solar power. And a huge shoutout to the incredible team at Svea Solar for their relentless dedication and hard work. Let's keep the momentum going! ☀️ #solarenergy #solarpark #solarPV

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Svea Solar, grafik

    24 549 följare

    Did you know that in Belgium you can receive a compensation if a grid outage causes your inverter to shut off? This is possible thanks to a new regulation from Fluvius and ORES. It is important to note that this compensation doesn’t apply to a one-time issue. If Fluvius is your grid operator and they can’t solve the problem within 30 days, you can apply for a compensation. If ORES is your grid operator and they can’t solve the problem within 4 months, you can apply for a compensation. But only if your inverter shut off for more than 120 minutes. You can find all the other details and conditions in our blog via the link in the comments. #Inverter #ElectricityGrid #ORES #Fluvius

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Svea Solar, grafik

    24 549 följare

    🆕 È arrivata la CER Svea Solar Nord1 ETS: la nostra prima Comunità Energetica Rinnovabile! ☀ [English follows] Svea Solar ha ufficialmente costituito Svea Solar Nord1 ETS, la nostra prima Comunità Energetica, a disposizione di chiunque viva in Nord Italia e voglia associarsi per produrre, condividere e consumare energia rinnovabile in modo consapevole e sostenibile.  Uno dei più grandi obiettivi di Svea Solar è catturare e condividere l’energia del sole per arrivare a un futuro più luminoso. Grazie alla nostra Comunità Energetica Rinnovabile, abbiamo trovato un nuovo modo per favorire la produzione e la condivisione di energia rinnovabile, far conoscere a sempre più persone le potenzialità del sole e restituire alle comunità il pieno controllo della loro energia.  In Svea Solar Nord1 ETS, ogni membro contribuisce a combattere il cambiamento climatico e la povertà energetica, riducendo allo stesso tempo anche l’ammontare della propria bolletta, grazie alla tariffa incentivante nazionale. Puoi entrare a farne parte sia come prosumer, se vuoi installare un impianto fotovoltaico a casa, o come consumer, se vuoi aiutarci a utilizzare la maggior quantità possibile di energia solare.  👉 Vuoi entrare a farne parte? Accettiamo adesioni sin da oggi. Scrivici o visita il nostro sito per approfondire: 👇 Unisciti a noi in questo powershift. Insieme, possiamo fare la differenza: il nostro unico limite è il sole. 🌞 EN 🆕 Our first Renewable Energy Community in Italy! ☀ Svea Solar has officially established Svea Solar Nord1 ETS, our first Renewable Energy Community, available to anyone who lives in the North of Italy and wants to join forces to produce and share renewable energy.  Our purpose at Svea Solar is to catch and share the sun for a brighter future. Thanks to our new Renewable Energy Community, we have found a new way to foster the production and sharing of renewable energy, make more people aware of the sun’s potential, and give communities full control over their energy production.  Within Svea Solar Nord1 ETS, each member contributes to the fight against climate change and energy poverty while paying less for their electricity. People can join it as prosumers if they want to install a photovoltaic system on their roof, or as consumers if they want to help us share and consume as much solar energy as possible.   Visit our website to learn more: 👇 Join us in this power shift. Together, we can make a difference: the sun is the limit. 🌞

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Svea Solar 3 rundor totalt

Senaste finansieringsrunda

Serie B

106 000 000,00 US$


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