Badin Soft

Badin Soft

IT Services and IT Consulting

Niš, Niš 3,485 followers

It's all about people.

About us

Badin Soft is committed to building and nurturing long-term relationships with our clients and partners based on timely and high-quality delivery, transparent communication, and shared ownership of the project. Our team isn’t just a group of skilled professionals; it’s a highly cohesive, cross-functional unit dedicated to delivering comprehensive solutions aligned with our client's specific needs. With Software Engineers & Architects, QA Engineers, Documentation Engineers, Project Managers, Account Managers, Release Managers, and Scrum Masters, we can assemble teams that will handle your ideas — from conceptualization to delivery. We invest in our people's growth and promote continuous improvement, knowledge sharing, and thinking outside the box. Our unwavering dedication to people, partners, and clients spanning across four continents, and hundreds of successful projects, solidifies our position as a trusted partner in achieving your goals.

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
51-200 employees
Niš, Niš
Loyalty Programs, E-Banking, Design, Product development, Quality Assurance, Maintenance, Prototyping, Custom SW Solutions, Application Development, FinTech, Machine Learning, Mobile Development, and EdTech


Employees at Badin Soft


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    U saradnji sa kompanijom Engagis, razvili smo inovativnu aplikaciju za multinacionalni sportski brend Asics.       Ova aplikacija, predstavljena na sajmu u Australiji, omogućila je posetiocima da personalizuju unapred odabrane modele patika i kreiraju jedinstveni dizajn čime takođe ostvaruju pravo za učešće u nagradnoj igri.      Da saznate vise o samoj saradnji, procesu i aplikaciji, posetite naš sajt i najnoviju stranicu gde ćete uskoro moći da pronađete još Case Study-ja ___    In collaboration with Engagis, we developed an innovative application for the multinational sports brand Asics.  This application, showcased at a large sport-equipment trade show in Australia, allowed visitors to customize pre-selected shoe models and create unique designs, also qualifying them to participate in a giveaway.  To learn more about the collaboration, process, and application itself, visit and check out the latest page where you’ll soon find more Case Studies. #BadinSoft #casestudy

    Colorful Kicks, Your Way

    Colorful Kicks, Your Way

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    Juče nije bio 8. mart, ali ceo dan je bio posvećen ženama. 😍 Na Forbes Adria Power Women's Summit-u, imale smo priliku da slušamo uspešne žene iz različitih industrija koje su podelile svoja iskustva i izazove sa kojima se savremene žene suočavaju. Njihove priče bile su inspirativne – toliko da nekoliko fotografija ni približno ne mogu da prenesu tu energiju.    U Badinu podržavamo naše koleginice koje uvek idu korak dalje – bilo da se bave kodiranjem, kreiraju strategije ili vode projekte, konstantno istražuju nove mogućnosti, stiču nova iskustva i proširuju svoja znanja. Ovaj događaj bio je još jedan podsetnik koliko je važno da se glas žena čuje. 👏 ___ Yesterday wasn’t International Women’s Day, but the entire day was dedicated to women. 😍 At the Forbes Adria Power Women's Summit, we had the opportunity to listen to successful women from various industries who shared their experiences and the challenges modern women face. Their stories were so inspiring that a few photos can hardly capture the energy of the event.    At Badin, we support our female colleagues who are always going the extra mile - whether they’re coding, creating strategies, or leading projects, they’re constantly exploring new possibilities, gaining new experiences, and expanding their knowledge.    This event was yet another reminder of how important it is for women’s voices to be heard. 👏 #BadinSoft #LifeatBadin #conference #forbesadriapowerwomenssummit

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    U najnovijem blogu, donosimo vam priču naših junior frontend inženjera, Saše i Strahinje. Želja da postanu eksperti u svojoj oblasti, upornost, posvećenost, podrška iskusnijih kolega i People Manager-a dovela ih je do zapaženih rezultata u Badinu. 💡 U intervjuu saznaćete više o projektima na kojima su bili angažovani, tehnologijama i alatima koje koriste, kako balansiraju između dizajna i funkcionalnosti, i još puno toga. Prvi blog serijala "𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐬" Blog: ___ In our latest blog, we present the growth journeys of our junior frontend engineers, Saša Žikić and Strahinja Petrov. Their determination to become experts in frontend development, persistence, dedication, and support from senior colleagues and their People Manager have led them to achieve significant success at Badin Soft. 💡 In this interview, you'll learn more about the projects they've worked on, the technologies and tools they use, how they balance design and functionality, and much more. The first post in the series "𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐬" Blog:

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    Treća sreća, ali ovog puta je znanje igralo veću ulogu u kvizu o Domaćoj kinematografiji. Naši ljudi su formirali ekipe i borili se za komplet ulaznica za Filmske susrete.🎞 Avgust je bio ispunjen igrama, druženjem i smehom. Do sledećeg susreta! 🙌 ___ Usually, third time's the charm, but this time - knowledge was key in Badin's domestic film quiz. Our people split into teams and competed for a set of tickets for the Niš film festival. 🎞 August was full of games, laughs and good times. Untill we meet again! 🙌 #BadinSoft #LifeatBadin #teamfun

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    „Kao Resourcing & Talent Manager, fokus je uvek na postizanju balansa i pronalasku najoptimalnijeg rešenja sa svakog aspekta - ljudskog, biznis i tehničkog. Kroz otvorenu komunikaciju i saradnju sa našim talentovanim timovima, uvek težim ka tome da naši zaposleni i kompanija napreduju, dok se istovremeno unapređuje tehnološki razvoj. Cilj je postići uspeh na svim poljima u kompaniji.”  Na ovoj objavi naći ćete samo delić onoga što nam Dimitrije Popović prenosi u najnovijem blogu. Blog: ___   “As a Resourcing & Talent Manager, I am dedicated to balancing the dynamic interplay between people, business, and technology. By fostering collaboration within our talented teams, I aim to create win-win outcomes where the growth of our people, the success of our business, and the advancement of technology are all equally prioritized. My approach centers on the power of teamwork, ensuring that our collective efforts are strategically aligned to achieve shared goals and deliver positive results across every facet of the organization.”  In this post, you'll find just a part of what Dimitrije Popović shares in the newest blog. Blog:

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    Još jedno takmičenje je iza nas, i ovog puta naši zaposleni su se zabavljali uz Pikado, Ne ljuti se čoveče i Šah. 🎯🎲♟️   Najbolji su osvojili karte za Nisville Jazz Festival, ali svi smo uživali u igri i druženju. Čestitamo dobitnicima i radujemo se sledećem izazovu!😎 ___  Another competition is behind us, and this time our people had a great time playing Darts, Ludo, and Chess. 🎯🎲♟️    The best players won tickets for the Nisville Jazz Festival, but we all enjoyed playing the games together. Congratulations to the winners, and we look forward to the next challenge! 😎 #BadinSoft #LifeatBadin #teamfun

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    U Badinu podržavamo inicijative koje nas povezuju i jačaju timski duh! 🥰

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    Nis Cluster of Advanced Technologies

    📢 Radujemo se što možemo da podelimo sjajne vesti o poduhvatu naše članice! 🏀🙌 Kompanija Badin Soft prepoznala je ideju jednog od svojih zaposlenih i aktivno doprinela stvaranju prve niške Badin IT košarkaške lige. Ponosni smo što su podržali prvu sezonu takmičenja koja je okupila IT zajednicu iz Niša. 👏

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    „Najefikasniji način za pisanje tehničke dokumentacije je da pisci budu članovi development timova i da učestvuju u svim fazama razvoja neke funkcionalnosti, od idejne faze preko samog razvoja i testiranja, da bi se na taj način isporučila zajedno sa novom funkcionalnošću dokumentacija koja može biti objavljena u svakom trenutku.”    Ukoliko želite da saznate šta tačno radi tehnički pisac - Documentation Engineer u Badinu, poslušajte šta nam je Bogdan Stanković ispričao.     Treći video serijala "The Faces Behind Our Success"  ___  “The most efficient way for creating technical documents is for the writers to be members of the development teams, and to participate in all the phases of software development, from the planning phase, through development and testing, in order to be able to deliver documents alongside the newly created functionality.” If you're curious about what a technical writer - Documentation Engineer does at Badin Soft, check out Bogdan Stanković's video.    The third video in the series "The Faces Behind Our Success" #BadinSoft #LifeatBadin #documentationengineer

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    Prvi Badingo! 🎱 Mesec avgust smo započeli takmičarski. Naši zaposleni su imali priliku da osvoje karte za Sajam vina - Naissus Wine & Fine Fair 2024. Da bi osvojili karte, morali su da okušaju svoju sreću, pa smo organizovali Badingo (čitaj Bingo u Badinu). 😎 Svi smo se sjajno zabavili, a dobitnici su otišli srećni, uživajući u čaši vina i za one koji ovaj put nisu imali sreće u brojevima. 🥂  ___  We started August off in a competitive mood! Our people had the opportunity to win tickets to the 2024 Naissus Wine & Fine Fair. In order to win, they had to test their luck in a game of Badingo (Badin's Bingo). 😎 We all had lots of fun, and the winners went on to enjoy a nice glass of wine, promising to have fun on the behalf of the rest of the team who weren't as lucky this time. 🥂 #BadinSoft #LifeatBadin #teamfun

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    Kada pravimo kvartalne preseke za klijente i finansije, ujedno pravimo i presek naših zajedničkih aktivnosti i uspeha. To je taj lepši deo posla - kada Badinovci grade i stvaraju uspomene.  Tako naš  „zid uspomena” na kraju svakog kvartala postane bogatiji za još po neku fotografiju.😍 ___  When we prepare quarterly reviews for clients and finances, we also review our activities and achievements. This is the more enjoyable part - creating memories together with our fellow Badinians.     Each quarter, our “wall of memories” grows with new memories.😍

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