Employees Retraining Board (ERB)

Employees Retraining Board (ERB)

Professional Training and Coaching

僱員再培訓局 | Employees Retraining Board

About us

The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) is a statutory body established in 1992 under the Employees Retraining Ordinance. ERB co-ordinates, funds and monitors training courses and services provided by about 80 training bodies. The service targets of ERB are people aged 15 or above with educational attainment at sub-degree level or below. ERB provides around 700 training courses that are market driven and employment-oriented to help trainees acquire necessary skills and nurture talent for various industries. Through an array of employer services and collaboration initiatives with industry partners, ERB assists employers to meet their training and manpower development needs while increasing the employment opportunities of graduate trainees.

Professional Training and Coaching
Company size
201-500 employees
Hong Kong


Employees at Employees Retraining Board (ERB)


  • 【「創科.愛增值」計劃 - 起動篇】 #AI #GenerativeAI #區塊鏈 #雲端計算 #BigData 「創科.愛增值」計劃提供一系列數碼新技能課程,助你增值level up! 僱員再培訓局(ERB)「創科.愛增值」計劃提供超過50項創新科技相關的培訓課程,涵蓋「數碼新技能」及「行業科技應用」範疇。計劃對學員的學歷不設上限(須符合個別課程的入讀資格),學費全免,歡迎15歲或以上的香港合資格僱員報讀。有關計劃詳情,請瀏覽網頁 www.erb.org/itscheme 。 報名日期︰即日起至2024年9月30日 入讀日期︰2024年12月31日或之前 查詢:ERB熱線182 182 Discover more about the digital skills courses brought to you by the ERB “Love IT.Upgrading Scheme” ! Over 50 training courses in innovation and technology are available to encourage learning of new digital skills. Courses offered under the Scheme are free of charge and there is no upper limit on the educational attainment for applicants (applicants should meet the entry requirements of individual courses). For details of the Scheme, please visit www.erb.org/itscheme . Application Period: from now to 30 September 2024 Training Period: on or before 31 December 2024 Enquiry: ERB Hotline 182 182 #凌文龍 #創科愛增值 #創科 #愛增值 #不限學歷 #免學費 #人工智能 #App #網站 #VR #BIM #3D打印 #RPA #網上商業 #社交網絡營銷 #數碼營銷 #SocialMedia #ERB #ERB課程

  • 【ERB中小企服務】「網上創業攻略及ESG對企業的重要性」研討會   僱員再培訓局(ERB)將於2024年9月12日(星期四)與工業貿易署中小企業支援與諮詢中心合辦研討會,介紹網上創業的準備、網上營銷模式和成功要素,以及探討ESG(環境、社會、管治)對企業的重要性。   研討會費用全免。詳情如下:   題目:網上創業攻略及ESG對企業的重要性 講者:僱員再培訓局導師 郭承業先生   日期:2024年9月12日(星期四) 時間:下午3:30 - 5:00 地點:九龍城協調道3號工業貿易大樓13樓1301室工業貿易署中小企業支援與諮詢中心(SUCCESS)   詳情及網上報名:https://bit.ly/3ZbADAo ERB僱主服務詳情:https://bit.ly/3WkFv38 ERB Service for SMEs - "Guide to start an online business and the importance of ESG for enterprises" Seminar   ERB and the Support and Consultation Centre for SMEs of the Trade and Industry Department will co-organise a seminar on 12 September 2024 (Thursday) to share information about the preparations for starting an online business, as well as insights into online marketing campaign models.  The seminar will also explore the importance of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) for enterprises.   For details and registration, please visit: https://bit.ly/3APjq5Q   ERB Services for Employers: https://bit.ly/4dOisWd   #ERB #ERB僱主服務 #中小企服務 #工業貿易署 #中小企業支援與諮詢中心 #人才培訓 #ERBEmployerServices #SMEServices

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  • 「ERB青年實習計劃2024」之職業探索之旅 今年「ERB青年實習計劃」增設一系列職場體驗活動,透過與企業伙伴合辦「工作體驗日」,讓青年人實地了解不同行業的工作環境,各企業代表更在活動上分享行業發展機遇,加深青年人對不同專業及工種的認識,為未來事業訂定發展方向。 衷心感謝各行業機構支持計劃下的「工作體驗日」,讓青年人近距離探索職場。 ERB一直與行業僱主合作無間,並提供一系列僱主服務,詳情可瀏覽:https://bit.ly/483ncmV   Enriching Workplace Experience under the “ERB Youth Internship Programme 2024” This year, work experience activities were introduced under the “ERB Youth Internship Programme”, offering young people valuable opportunities to learn from seasoned professionals and gain insights for career planning through workplace visits and experience exchange. Heartfelt thanks to our employer partners who joined us and hosted such meaningful activities for young people and inspired their study and career interests. For more information about ERB’s services for employers, please visit: https://bit.ly/3SPXJrR #ERB #ERB僱主服務 #ERB青年實習計劃 #ERBYouthInternshipProgramme #ERBEmployerServices

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  • 【「創科.愛增值」計劃 - KOL篇】 #網上商業 #社交網絡營銷 #數碼營銷 #O2O營銷 「創科.愛增值」計劃提供一系列網上商業相關課程,增值話咁易! 僱員再培訓局(ERB)「創科.愛增值」計劃提供超過50項創新科技相關的培訓課程,計劃對學員的學歷不設上限(須符合個別課程的入讀資格),學費全免,歡迎15歲或以上的香港合資格僱員報讀。 計劃提供的課程包括「數碼新技能」及「行業科技應用」範疇。課程內容涵蓋網上商業、社交網絡營銷、數碼營銷、O2O營銷,以及人工智能、生成式人工智能、區塊鏈、數據分析、雲端計算、流動裝置應用程式開發、創意數碼媒體設計、機械人流程自動化、3D打印技術等多元範疇。有關計劃詳情,請瀏覽網頁 www.erb.org/itscheme 。 報名日期︰即日起至2024年9月30日 入讀日期︰2024年12月31日或之前 查詢︰ERB熱線182 182 Discover more about the course offering under the ERB “Love IT.Upgrading Scheme” ! Over 50 training courses in innovation and technology are available to encourage lifelong learning of new digital skills. Courses offered under the Scheme are free of charge and there is no upper limit on the educational attainment for applicants (applicants should meet the entry requirements of individual courses). For details of the Scheme, please visit www.erb.org/itscheme . Application Period: from now to 30 September 2024 Training Period: on or before 31 December 2024 Enquiry: ERB Hotline 182 182 #凌文龍 #創科愛增值 #創科 #愛增值 #不限學歷 #免學費 #KOL #SocialMedia #AI #GenerativeAI #區塊鏈 #雲端計算 #BigData #App #網站 #VR #BIM #3D打印 #RPA #ERB #ERB課程

  • 【「ERB人才企業嘉許計劃」頒授典禮2024】 「ERB人才企業嘉許計劃」頒授典禮剛於8月6日圓滿舉行,由勞工及福利局局長孫玉菡先生, JP、常任秘書長劉焱女士, JP,聯同ERB主席余鵬春先生, GBS, JP、副主席黃傑龍教授, BBS, JP及行政總監吳國强先生, BBS共同主禮。 約300名「人才企業」管理層及嘉賓出席典禮,場面熱鬧。今屆有約80間公、私營機構新加入成為「人才企業」,計劃由成立至今,累計逾560間、來自超過30個行業的「人才企業」,當中包括約150間連續十年成功獲嘉許「人才企業」資格的「Super MD」,與ERB攜手推動人才培訓及發展。典禮同場頒發「企業大獎」予25間「人才企業」,嘉許其於2022-24年度積極支持ERB培訓課程及服務項目,體現企業社會責任。 在典禮上,#香港電燈有限公司#博愛醫院 代表和ERB課程畢業學員分享參與ERB「度身訂造課程」及「先聘用、後培訓」計劃的經驗,充分體現企業重視人力資源,以及技能培訓的價值和意義。 衷心祝賀所有獲獎機構及感謝各伙伴的支持,ERB會繼續透過不同的協作項目,加強與「人才企業」和各界的伙伴關係,共同提升香港的人力資本。 有關「嘉許計劃」詳情及「人才企業」名單,可瀏覽「嘉許計劃」網頁:www.erb.org/md “ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme” Presentation Ceremony 2024 The “ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme” Presentation Ceremony was successfully held on 6 August to celebrate the outstanding achievements of Manpower Developers (MDs) and “Super MDs” in manpower training and development.  The ceremony officiated by Mr Chris Sun Yuk-han, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Ms Alice Lau Yim, JP, Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Yu Pang-chun, GBS, JP, Chairman of ERB, Professor Simon Wong Kit-lung, BBS, JP, Vice-chairman of ERB and Mr Byron Ng Kwok-keung, BBS, Executive Director of ERB, was well-attended by around 300 senior executives of MDs and participating guests. On the occasion, awards were given to a new cohort of around 80 MDs and 25 Grand Prize Awardees in recognition of their dedication to talent cultivation and unswerving support to the ERB training courses and collaboration projects. We are also pleased to have representatives of The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd. (HK Electric) and 博愛醫院 Pok Oi Hospital, as well as ERB graduate trainees, who shared experiences in joining the ERB “Tailor-made Programme” and “Hire and Train Scheme”, showcasing employers’ commitment in nurturing talent, as well as ERB trainees’ dedication to learn and contribute. Congratulations to all the award recipients, and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to making the ceremony a resounding success! For further information of the Scheme and full list of MDs, please visit the MD Scheme website: www.erb.org/md #ERBManpowerDeveloperAwardScheme #ERBManpowerDeveloperAwardSchemePresentationCeremony2024 #ERB #Training #ERBCourses #ERBEmployerServices

  • 【ERB「職場體驗活動」】助中學生認識行業機遇  歡迎僱主參與協作   僱員再培訓局(ERB)與不同行業僱主協作,舉辦多元化的「職場體驗活動」,包括「企業探訪」、「學校職業講座」及「課程試讀班」,協助高中學生認識行業的發展機遇及相關ERB課程,引發興趣,助規劃未來發展方向。透過「企業探訪」活動,讓同學實地參觀工作環境,僱主亦可分享入職途徑及事業發展階梯,以加深同學對行業及不同工種的認識,探索更多可能。歡迎有興趣參與的僱主與ERB行業服務組聯絡(電話:3129 1183 / 3129 1286)。   ERB僱主服務詳情:https://bit.ly/483ncmV   In collaboration with employers of different industries, ERB hosts a series of “Work Experience Activities” including corporate visits, career talks and taster courses for senior secondary school students to enhance their understanding on industry prospects and related ERB courses, with a view to assisting them in planning future development. Employers who are interested in being a part of the activities are welcome to contact ERB Industry Services Section (Tel: 3129 1183 / 3129 1286).   For more information about ERB’s services for employers, please visit: https://bit.ly/3SPXJrR   #ERB #ERB僱主服務 #行業推廣 #學校職業講座 #企業探訪 #課程試讀班 #ERBEmployerServices

    • ERB「職場體驗活動」
  • 「ERB青年實習計劃2024」- 實習起行 發掘潛能 僱員再培訓局(ERB)今年再度舉辦「青年實習計劃」,為青年人提供短期實習機會,讓他們認識和體驗工作世界,擴闊人際網絡,發掘潛能及興趣,以規劃未來進修及事業發展方向。今年計劃約有60間機構參與,涵蓋多個行業範疇,包括酒店、零售及飲食、資訊及通訊科技、專業及商業服務、物業管理、社會服務及教育等。 ERB於2024年7月19日為參加計劃的青年人舉辦「職前熱身工作坊」,邀請了嘉賓講者Mr. Henry Lee(LinkedIn Enterprise Account Director)分享創新科技對未來職場帶來的影響,以及如何善用科技建立專業網絡。此外,計劃的統籌機構 - 香港青年協會亦透過安排互動學習活動,助參加者掌握職場小貼士和團隊溝通技巧,提升他們的自信心。 “ERB Youth Internship Programme 2024” The “ERB Youth Internship Programme” is entering its second year. Designed to enhance young people’s understanding of the dynamic world of work, the Programme enables participants to expand their networks while exploring their potential and interests for future study and career planning. Around 60 organisations from various industries join the Programme this year and provide internship opportunities for the young people. #ERB #ERB青年實習計劃 #ERBYouthInternshipProgramme #香港青年協會 #HKFYG #HenryLee

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  • 【ERB「企業包班」服務】新增飲食業/零售業以禮待客(兼讀制)課程 僱員再培訓局(ERB)推出「飲食業『以禮待客』技巧基礎證書(兼讀制)」及「零售業『以禮待客』技巧基礎證書(兼讀制)」課程,協助服務業前線員工掌握優質服務及顧客溝通技巧,提升顧客服務體驗。課程訓練期為3小時,歡迎飲食業及零售業僱主以「企業包班」形式為僱員安排在職培訓,鼓勵增值技能。 飲食業「以禮待客」技巧基礎證書(兼讀制)課程:https://bit.ly/3y9Sahi 零售業「以禮待客」技巧基礎證書(兼讀制)課程:https://bit.ly/3Yaelig 歡迎企業聯絡開辦以上課程的培訓機構(葵協社區教育拓展中心有限公司,電話:2780 9293 / 2374 1100 / 2701 8921 / 2559 8472),查詢詳情及申請。 ERB提供約500項技能提升課程及通用技能課程,涵蓋28個行業的職業技能及跨行業適用的通用技能訓練。歡迎瀏覽了解更多關於「企業包班」服務:https://bit.ly/3xY0i4G ,以及課程資訊:https://bit.ly/3DyuraA。 ERB has launched two new training courses, namely the “Foundation Certificate in Skills of Customer Courtesy for Catering Industry (Part-time)” and “Foundation Certificate in Skills of Customer Courtesy for Retail Industry (Part-time)”, to support skills upgrading for employees of the catering and retail industries. Employers of related sectors are welcome to arrange on-the-job training for serving employees through the ERB “Enterprise-based Training Scheme”. To learn more about ERB’s “Enterprise-based Training”, please visit: https://bit.ly/3SPXJrR . #ERB #ERB僱主服務 #企業包班 #ERBEmployerServices

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  • 最新一期「僱主通訊」 焦點內容包括︰ - 「培訓就業一條龍」計劃,結合「職前培訓」、「就業跟進」及「在職進修」支援,歡迎僱主機構參加線上簡介會,了解計劃內容及申請安排 -  ERB「網上招聘服務平台」助僱主擴闊招聘網絡,歡迎僱主登記使用服務 -  「創科.愛增值」計劃提供一系列新技能培訓課程,歡迎僱主瀏覽宣傳短片了解計劃特色,並鼓勵僱員增值數碼新技能 -  ERB「企業包班」培訓及其他招聘服務介紹 瀏覽通訊:https://bit.ly/3OWZXEH 訂閱通訊:https://bit.ly/4bB7npn To view and subscribe the ERB Employer Newsletter, click on: https://bit.ly/3OWZXEH #ERB #僱主通訊 #EmployerNewsletter

  • ERB【「培訓就業一條龍」計劃】 歡迎僱主參加簡介會,了解詳情及申請   僱員再培訓局(ERB)的「培訓就業一條龍」計劃,結合「職前培訓」、「就業跟進」及「在職進修」,為僱主提供「一站式」培訓及招納人才的支援,助學員投身人力需求殷切的行業。在計劃下,培訓機構會協助僱主以「企業包班」形式開辦職前培訓課程及招納學員,合資格學員在完成職前培訓課程後可獲發放再培訓津貼及提供就業跟進服務。全職受聘的合資格學員在就業跟進期內,留職滿6個月後及完成兩項指定的在職培訓課程,可獲發放進修津貼,最高可達18,000元。   ERB將舉辦網上簡介會(ZOOM網上進行),向有興趣參與計劃的僱主介紹計劃內容和申請安排,詳情如下: 日期:2024年7月23日(星期二)/ 2024年7月26日(星期五) 時間:下午3時30分至4時30分 歡迎僱主報名參加:https://bit.ly/3W5AThh   有關計劃詳情,請瀏覽計劃網頁 www.erb.org/onestop 。 如僱主有任何查詢,歡迎聯絡ERB行業服務組(電話:3129 1183 / 3129 1286)。   The ERB “One-stop Training and Employment Scheme” provides seamless enterprise-based pre-employment training, placement follow-up and continuous upskilling support services to encourage trainees to join industries with keen manpower demand.       Online briefing sessions (in zoom format) will be held to introduce the Scheme to employers interested in the Scheme:   Date: 23 July 2024 (Tue) / 26 July 2024 (Fri) Time: 3:30pm – 4:30pm To register for the briefing session: https://bit.ly/3W5AThh   For details of the Scheme, please visit www.erb.org/onestop .   Employers are also welcome to contact our Industry Services Section at 3129 1183 / 3129 1286 for enquiries related to the Scheme.   #ERB #培訓就業一條龍 #職前培訓 #就業跟進 #在職進修 #失業待業轉業 #企業包班 #招聘 #OneStopTrainingandEmploymentScheme

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