Vulnerability Research and the Importance of Supporting Young Talent

Vulnerability Research and the Importance of Supporting Young Talent

This is a story with a happy ending where we were able to get back to the collaboration from the early open disclosure days, utilize modern practices to ensure responsible handling of the information, and allow a young person to make a positive contribution to infosec.

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Leviathan Security Group Offers Pre-Draft Comments on NIST SP 800-66, Implementing the HIPAA Security Rule
Risk Advisory Wendy Everette & James Bohem Risk Advisory Wendy Everette & James Bohem

Leviathan Security Group Offers Pre-Draft Comments on NIST SP 800-66, Implementing the HIPAA Security Rule

Leviathan submitted general comments on what Revision 2 should cover, as well as specific feedback on updates needed to the standard, which was first published in 2008. As readers will be aware, a lot has changed in that time, including the explosive growth in cloud computing and Software As a Service (“SaaS”) tools.

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