
329. Vegas Forever

Last week I went to "Vegas Forever" at Uniun Nightclub. Had such a fun time there! There was a performance by Cirque du Soleil and Lil Jon was DJ-ing. Sponsors included the Vegas tourism board + several casinos/hotels like Aria, The Wynn, The Palms, TAO, etc. I've always wanted to visit Vegas but after that night I want to go even more.

I had an invite to their media event earlier on in the night so I got there around 9:30pm..just in time to see the Cirque du Soleil performance. It was open bar and delicious hors d'oeuvres were being shuttled around to amazing music.

At around 11pm the event was open to the public and Lil Jon came on. I proceded to take a ton of videos..

Shots shots shots shots shots shots shots shots.. as they passed around actual shots (of what tasted like lemonade)

Wedding chapel

Afterwards, with our ears ringing & voices lost..my friend & I had some late night food on a patio down the street.

Couldn't stop thinking about it so he next day, I went to the airport to book a ticket to Vegas!!

Just kidding...actually bought another ticket for NYC! Will be there again in a few weeks.

This post archived in: Events


328. we're up all night to get lucky

Daft Punk's Get Lucky = my new favourite song. & Now I really want these Be@rbricks - the 1000% sized ones!
The weather here in Toronto is finally getting more Spring-like..which means daily harbourfront dog walks and sitting at patios (even though we shivered through the first patio brunch)! Here is my semi-eventful week in photos:

Sunset at the harbour + view from the drive home

New Kusmi Teas to my collection + obligatory washroom shot at the Royal York Hotel

The Detox Market opened recently down the street from me. Great selection of Kusmi Tea here!

I love walking my dog late at night around my area. It's a nightmare walking him (super excited hyper Pomeranian) during the daytime/rush hour here when everyone's on the rat race to get home. (The Financial District website featured my photo on the left!)

Drinks & appetizers at one of my favourite places..Ki

Jarritos + my daily iQ Food Co Blueberry Crunch Hot Box with a side of suits. It really is all suits almost every time I go.

First patio of the year = brunch at O&B Canteen

The view from brunch / Entertainment District / King Street West

Spice Route in the evening for patio #2!

Closing time..that's why it looks empty in this pic, just in case you were wondering..

Tried a new restaurant called The Emerson with my foodie friend who seems to know about every new restaurant as soon as they open lol. This pork sausage was delicious!! I also discovered the "night" feature on my cell phone camera..I'm amazed at how this photo turned out in such a dark restaurant.

Lunch with my mom today at Guu - was kind of disappointed that their lunch menu is a lot smaller and totally different from the dinner menu. The food was still good but this place is definitely better in the evenings.



327. London | Oxford Circus, Piccadilly, Harrods

I can't believe it's almost been a year since my Europe trip in 2012..and I still haven't finished posting all the pics!! So here is a post on London (the first city I flew into).

I've always wanted to Fly Emirates (thanks to Arsenal & a little crush I had on Van Persie) Unfortunately that was not my plane. It was just there beside my gate. I flew Air Canada, had my flight delayed, had my luggage lost, returned the evening after I arrived, etc. Anyways. Bad start to an amazing trip.

Finally got on the plane..at least I had lots of leg room!

Since I didn't have any luggage with me when I got off the plane, I decided to try the Tube instead of the cab. Got to South Kensington, the station nearest my hotel. I didn't plan it like this but I was in pretty much the perfect location that night. It was the night of the Champions League final, Chelsea vs. Bayern Munich. Chelsea ended up winning. All the pubs were packed and people spilled onto the streets...but I ended up falling asleep quite early that night thanks to jet lag.

I had so much fun taking the Tube. If you're from Toronto/ever used our subway system you'll know how embarassing ours is compared to London's! Before I went I thought I'd get lost for sure since the map looked crazy complicated..& I'm used to the simple Toronto one. But the tube is actually so easy to use and fun to figure out how to get everywhere. I think it was a weekend when I was there..so almost everyone taking it were tourists.

The street of my hotel. I stayed at Blakes, the black one at the end of the street. (My review here)

Ah I love/miss Harrods!

Black Tier card..came with so many perks! Probably the reason why I spent more hours here than I did at my hotel room? Harrods was also my shelter from all the London rain & the hoards of people from the Queens Jubilee.

Besides Harrods I did manage to squeeze in some sightseeing during my short stay in London:

Victoria Station to take the train to Gatwick airport where I flew to my next destination..Copenhagen!

I think this was at Heathrow Airport before flying back to Toronto. All the breakfasts I had in London were better than any breakfast I've ever had in my life. I also started an obsession with "pain perdu" when I was there. If I lived in London I'd definitely wake up in time for breakfast every morning..

Hello Toronto :( (you can see CN Tower on the very right of the pic. My building is somewhere in there too)

I take tons of photos when I go on vacation but sometimes the most memorable moments were times when I did not take a single photo. One of the worst moments in London was at one of the restaurants I went to, and all I have from that experience is the receipt above. Didn't even take any pics of the food (which I usually always do as you know!) because the restaurant owner kept talking to me the entire time. At first I thought he was just being nice. But I was wrong. He kept giving me more tea, dessert, etc while they were closing up for the day. All the other customers were already gone and suddenly the staff members all left together. I realized I was the last one in there with the owner. Won't go into detail of what happened next but I quickly paid and practically ran out of there as fast as I could.
Lesson learned: don't let the staff leave before you do if the owner is a very creepy old man.

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