I am worried about the effects of this on the economy though. I hope it will be a fast recovery and not years of another great depression. I feel grateful to still have my job and regular income for now. Back in 2008 during the previous recession, I was 18 and had just moved out on my own and started university. I studied Fashion Communications and was shopping a lot more than I am now. Being around all fashion students was encouraging for that. To be honest I wasn't even aware of the economy being in recession. One day I was in Louis Vuitton and there was a reporter there from National Post (if I remember correctly) and I got interviewed for the article. The story was about people who were still luxury shopping during the recession. It's funny when I think back on it now lol. I was still young and carefree with no responsibilities. At least not the same level as now.
I hope the situation will improve soon. I don't mind the day to day life of quarantine but I hope to be able to travel again soon. I am aware it will probably be a year or more until everything goes back to the way it was before. At least not until we have a vaccine made.
Here are some photos from the past few weeks:

No seating areas anywhere in the PATH now

A few Starbucks are open but no seating either

I was so upset about this lol. One of my favourite grocery stores I frequently go

My lobby bar is closed. This was a few weeks ago - now all the chairs are gone

This is Going to Hurt - Adam Kay

Dog walking around my area..completely deserted when normally it's packed with people (especially rush hour)

The New Farm by Brent Preston

Grunt by Mary Roach

Looking down on King Street East...so empty.

& this is King Street West.