
195. The Courvoisier Collective

I received a package in the mail a few days ago for the Courvoisier Collective. It's an initiative aimed to provide artists with space for displaying their work and gain exposure to some of the most respected members of Toronto's art community.

They're looking for submissions of artwork reinventing the revolutionary power of art/exploring the theme of Renewal. The only requirement is that your contribution contain revolutionary thinking towards the medium, aesthetics, or presentation and rediscover the art's potential to challenge the status quo and change the way we perceive the world. Submitted artwork can use media such as photography, painting, mixed media and printmaking. Submission can be made by uploading an image in digital JPG, GIF, TIF or PNG format.

Chosen works will be displayed on billboards in areas around Toronto. They will be reviewed by a jury and the selected works will be displayed at Gallery 1313 from August 10 to September 4, 2011.

Key Dates:

July 8 - Deadline for submissions in order to be considered for Billboard Showcase and prizing
July 15 - Deadline for Gallery Award submissions. Submissions chosen by the public and judging panel will be included in an exhibit at Gallery 1313.
July 15 to August 5 - Online public voting for the Gallery Award submissions
August 1 to 26 - Three winning Billboard showcase submissions displayed on high traffic Toronto billboards
August 5 to 8 - Gallery Award winners selected for display at Gallery 1313
August 11 to September 4 - Gallery Award Exhibition at Gallery 1313

Good luck!


194. peppermint

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The past week has gone by in SUCH a blur. I can't even remember the last night I've stayed in..or the last time I went to bed before 5am actually =\ My friend from Germany is coming over tomorrow for a few days so it looks like another busy week coming up!

It's now 4:30am & I'm here updating my blog again, after a night at Blowfish (lovelovelove their makimonos) and Pravda. Will talk more about that in my next post.

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My mom got me these fringe shorts from her trip to Hong Kong last month.

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I'm going to Bier Markt so often these days - mainly because their patio seems to always be busy, like everyday of the week and at all times of the day.

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Tuesday night - a very fun spontaneous night, starting off at O&B. Spontaneous nights are always the best nights. Actually it started off a few hours before this, where I met my friend at a Second Cup. We then went over to Irish Embassy, then here to O&B for a few hours...

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After O&B we went to Century Room. Apparently two really famous Indian celebs were there..Zayed Khan and Ritesh Deshmukh (?) I wouldn't have known who they were if my friend didn't tell me. After that we went over to The Thompson Hotel for some late night food. Came home after that..ended up sleeping at 7am that day.

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Last weekend - Medieval Times! Haven't been here since I was in grade 5

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193. habana

Pictures from my phone taken the past few days..
Last night I went to Real Sports Bar with a friend from my building to watch the hockey game: game 6 of the Stanley Cup finals/Vancouver Canucks vs. Boston Bruins. I'm not really a huge fan but I want the Canucks to win just because they're a Canadian team..but they lost last night. We'll see what happens in game 7 tomorrow. I'll most likely be going there to watch it again. As expected, it was ridiculously packed there last night. Apparently if you wanted to book a table, you were supposed to do it three weeks ago =\ Luckily we got good bar seats last night.

After the game we went to Irish Embassy for food then back to our building..I tried smoking a cigar for the first time in my life. My friend has a collection of pretty nice ones..

On the weekend I went to Woofstock! They have this every year, like a block away from my building and of course this was the first year I actually had a reason (aka a dog) to go! It was a lot of fun & Hennessy was really really really excited. He always loves seeing dogs on the street and this time it was like hundreds of dogs everywhere. & free treats at every stall.

The view from there...my building is on the right (the flat oval shaped one)

Then I went to Hiro Sushi with my mom for some food..

At night, my friend & I went to Kultura for this thing called the Toronto Image Awards. To be honest I still don't know exactly how to explain what it is. It's some sort of photoshoot competition. It was ok..met a couple people.

& another Hpnotiq to end this post


192. toxic

Photos taken recently

Helping my friend choose fabrics for his tailored suits

Been Brassaii-ing quite often these days..as in, 2-3 times a week

New top sent to me from Nally and Millie

Oliver & Bonacini patio with random guy I just met

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