I received a package in the mail a few days ago for the Courvoisier Collective. It's an initiative aimed to provide artists with space for displaying their work and gain exposure to some of the most respected members of Toronto's art community.
They're looking for submissions of artwork reinventing the revolutionary power of art/exploring the theme of Renewal. The only requirement is that your contribution contain revolutionary thinking towards the medium, aesthetics, or presentation and rediscover the art's potential to challenge the status quo and change the way we perceive the world. Submitted artwork can use media such as photography, painting, mixed media and printmaking. Submission can be made by uploading an image in digital JPG, GIF, TIF or PNG format.
Chosen works will be displayed on billboards in areas around Toronto. They will be reviewed by a jury and the selected works will be displayed at Gallery 1313 from August 10 to September 4, 2011.

Key Dates:
July 8 - Deadline for submissions in order to be considered for Billboard Showcase and prizing
July 15 - Deadline for Gallery Award submissions. Submissions chosen by the public and judging panel will be included in an exhibit at Gallery 1313.
July 15 to August 5 - Online public voting for the Gallery Award submissions
August 1 to 26 - Three winning Billboard showcase submissions displayed on high traffic Toronto billboards
August 5 to 8 - Gallery Award winners selected for display at Gallery 1313
August 11 to September 4 - Gallery Award Exhibition at Gallery 1313

Good luck!