Week 9. I was with a cold and with a stomach flu but I still managed to walk 2 hours.
Week 10 was kind of weird. The reduced calories were super hard and I was getting ready to go to Paris. I walked 2 1/2 hours.
Week 11 I was in Paris. Yummy foods and lots of walking. Hours of walking during the 3 days in Paris.
Week 12 was awful. Very tired from the time change. SO Hungry all the time.
I only went to 1 hour boxing for the 4 weeks and was very disappointed in myself.
Total I only lost 1 pound. A total of 14.4 loss.
I am still happy I didn't gain any pounds!! Gosh it's hard!
It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing, it takes 8 for friends and family and it takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world.
At the end of the 12 weeks I had one boxing trainer telling me that he could see the changes and that "it was working". That made me feel very good and proud. Surely motivating me to go boxing more.
My body is way stronger than when I started. I can lift things, boxes, without any efforts. LOVE it!! I feel strong and more independent.
Dreaming of taking surfing lessons
It is opening new doors in my life and new dreams and it truly makes me happy.
Isabelle Thornton