This is a short month for our class - only 3 weeks! Let's learn as much as possible. December usually brings snowy weather. We will talk in class about what to do in case of an emergency. Below is a video you can watch on driving in the snow.
Have you heard about AAA? AAA is an inexpensive road service that can help you if you get stuck in the snow, your battery dies, or you need roadside assistance.
Do you know how to use the past continuous verb tense? In the first video below you will hear several examples. The second video teaches you how to use the grammar.
Now you can practice using the past continuous tense:
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Do you know how to use quotation marks when you are writing in English? It is not something you do very often, but it is useful to understand the basics.
You can practice your pronunciation with word stress in the two videos below. We will also practice this in class.
Finally, you can watch a video and practice a dialogue about THE BIG SNOW on Voice of America (VOA) English. You will also learn some new vocabulary words.