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About lizzys

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  1. thank u, someone finally said it. i think its the whole stage production thing, theres just too much going on, its so not like lana imo. i mean i get that shes trying to put on a good show because this is pretty much the peak of her career and people pay a lot of money to see her perform buuuuttt at what cost when she doesnt come on stage on time so her sets are being cut short and theres constant technical difficulties
  2. it never seems like a big deal but it kind of is when people are being paid to take down an entire stage setup and get the stage ready again for the next artist in 30 minutes + people leave lanas set and other people come in to see the next artist and dealing w the crowds can set u back a lot which can result in missing a set idk its just not what u do like.. when ur supposed to show up at a given time u show up at that given time and i wouldnt even be saying all of this if it happened once or twice but she shows up late like every single show and 99% of the time its more than a 10 minute delay..
  3. some of u are so…out of touch like youve been to a festival before and it shows
  4. absolutely not, they need to start taking the stage down and set up the new stage (which takes a long time btw) for the next artist. some of u need to learn how to admit the fact that she has got to learn how to show up on time it is disrespectful towards the fans as well as the festival and the artists performing later on ..
  5. i mean..she literally said she was going to go on and sing more songs and atp i honestly understand them like she needs to learn how to show up on time this keeps happening over and over again
  6. fucking hell i forgot that the uk is 1 hour behind not 1 hour ahead of my time MY BADDDD 😭😭😭 i got so excited and for what
  7. the email i got says 5pm uk time?? which is in 19 mins for me so idk im confused now
  8. that album is NOT dropping anytime soon yall 😭😭😭
  9. its not going to be on either one of their albums im calling it 😭 just a spontaneous single
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