on the Net was one of the first websites on the internet to invite
children to submit their writing. Now there are thousands of Kids
on the Net writers - have a read!
We want children all over the world to send
us your writing - poems, stories, articles and reports, opinions,
writing about yourselves - whether you write it at school, at home,
in a library or club, or anywhere else.
Also, we invite you to join in our writing projects
that are special to the Web:
a monster to add to the thousands who have already stayed at
the Monster Motel
Explore the Kids' Castle -
based on Nottingham Castle as it was in 1480
Imagine what life was like as a
Victorian child in prison and help us tell kids about Net
us spells and spooky stories and poems for our Spellbook
We'll help you use the Internet for new
kinds of writing that are exciting and fun both to create
and read - instant stories, stories with choices for the reader,
moving poems, and more
We question children's authors and illustrators to
give you the best possible advice on how to write
We aim to make Kids on the Net a safe and supportive
place to enjoy reading and writing on the Internet.

on the Net Editor: Helen Whitehead
Helen Whitehead is a writer of stories and
an editor of schoolbooks and websites. She has been Editor of
on the Net for ten years and enjoys going into schools and libraries
and showing children how exciting writing for the Internet can
She loves to read all the writing that children send to Kids on
the Net every day. Helen has two grown-up children and lives with her husband in
Nottingham. She also works in E-Learning at a local University. Blog

Kids on the Net - information for teachers,
parents and other grown-ups

©2003-2006 Kids on the Net and the authors
Last revised
Kids on the Net

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