High Speed Adapter/A
@E04E.ADF - IBM 3117 High Speed Adapter/A 

High Speed Adapter P/N 65X1905

U18 Hitatchi HM6116P-2
U20 Zilog Z0853006PSC SCC
U45 5.5296 MHz osc
J2 DB9 male
J3 DB9 female

AdapterId E04E  High Speed Adapter/A"

Adapter Memory Location
    Memory locations the adapter will use to store data.
 "Segment C800"  io 0220h - 0227h  int 7  mem 0C8000h - 0C9FFFh
"Segment CA00"  io 0220h - 0227h  int 7  mem 0CA000h - 0CBFFFh
"Segment CC00"  io 0220h - 0227h  int 7  mem 0CC000h - 0CDFFFh
"Segment CE00"  io 0220h - 0227h  int 7  mem 0CE000h - 0CFFFFh
 "Segment D000"  io 0220h - 0227h  int 7  mem 0D0000h - 0D1FFFh
 "Segment D200"  io 0220h - 0227h  int 7  mem 0D2000h - 0D3FFFh
 "Segment D400"  io 0220h - 0227h  int 7  mem 0D4000h - 0D5FFFh
"Segment D600"  io 0220h - 0227h  int 7  mem 0D6000h - 0D7FFFh
"Segment D800"  io 0220h - 0227h  int 7  mem 0D8000h - 0D9FFFh
"Segment DA00"  io 0220h - 0227h  int 7  mem 0DA000h - 0DBFFFh
 "Segment DC00"  io 0220h - 0227h int 7  mem 0DC000h - 0DDFFFh
"Segment DE00"  io 0220h - 0227h  int 7  mem 0DE000h - 0DFFFFh

Channel B

 choice "Full Duplex"    pos[0] = XXXXX1XXb
 choice "Half Duplex"    pos[0] = XXXXX0XXb

"This assignment is needed when you use Channel B. This port can be assigned to function in either a 'Half Duplex' or 'Full Duplex' communication mode.

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