Kasey Nesselrotte
A cold wave of nausea flooded over him as his awareness of the situation greeted his senses. A sharp smell began to creep into his reality, which at the moment, was a swirling blur of convoluted thoughts and images. Slowly his brain began to piece together the sights around him and connect the smell invading his nostrils with the sights of the horribly shattered corpse lying on the floor. The dead body appeared to have belonged to a man but any other distinguishing features were rendered completely unidentifiable from the large gaping wounds that pocketed the corpse. The holes resembled meteor craters. Instead craters comprised of rock and earth they consisted of flesh, organs, bones, and blood. Lots and lots of blood. His sight expanded from the tunnel vision view of the mutilated man to encompass the rest of the blood scattered around the room. It was everywhere. The ceiling and walls were splattered with artistic and almost elegant streaks, lines, and droplets of congealing red gore. A giant seeping pool of blood had spread from the body. It grotesquely matted the dingy carpet in it’s persistent march away from its host. It was now that a large piece of the puzzle clicked into place. He discovered the person and method responsible for the sickening display of carnage. Scattered randomly around the man’s feet were a slew of tiny, spent, shiny brass cylinders. He suddenly felt a tremendous weight in his hand. He was clutching a solid black, blood speckled, .45 caliber, 1911 pistol. Had he shot the man lying on the floor? Something in his subconscious told him that he did do it. Something told him that it had happened.. again..