Showing posts with label pics in jammies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pics in jammies. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2016

in our pajamas

This post is a post in which every sentence should be followed by


Ready, set, GO......

This weekend was freezing cold her in Georgia.  We pretty much hibernated all weekend long and didn't leave the house.  We are on a 'saving money' mission and so we did everything fun here at home we could think of.

We played Life!

They played Legos and the used a Home Depot box to set up Lego scenes.

We did gymnastics and worked on our flexibility.

We read books.

We played on our iPads.

We ate decorator dogs, otherwise known as hot dogs with all kinds of toppings.

We played poker.

Hayden kicked his feet back while eating popcorn.

We played multiple games of checkers.

The mini chef made cupcakes.

They were cute and tasted amazing!

We had a fun weekend just the four of us...... In our pajamas!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Our Christmas PJ Pic for 2014

Here she is.  Sigh.  The best picture we could get of our family pj's pic on Christmas Eve.

Lily oh Lily!  
We are thankful our camera has an auto-timer. ;)

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Christmas Pj Parties (title by: Layla)

My all time favorite Christmas tradition for my family of 4 is getting new pajamas!

Last year we were in Ohio in our Devola farm house.

The year before we were in Ohio, but in our house downtown Marietta.

In 2011 we were in Texas at our home on Leather Strap Dr.  

There are many more pictures in this house!

Same house, smaller kiddos! 

In 2009 we were in the same house, but I just had surgery.  We all got new pj's and I only remember this Christmas because of pictures.  I was all drugged up!  Creepy kitty.  Yuck!

Still on Leather Strap and it was Hayden's first Christmas, but he got new pj's!

We were at Auntie and Donny Ray's on Christmas Eve 2007.  Layla and I got new pj's and I'm not sure why Gary isn't wearing his yet.  PS...I was pregnant with Hayden in this photo!

In 2006 we were snow skiing in Breckenridge Colorado.  
It was by far one of my favorite Christmas Eve's and we all got new pj's!

This was Layla's first Christmas and I'm pretty sure she got new pj's but we hadn't started our pajama tradition yet.  This picture was taken at my Aunt and Uncles house in Georgetown, Texas.

I just had to include this 2004 Christmas Eve picture.  My sweet first babies.  I miss those little furry creatures, but we have wonderful memories of spoiling them all the years of their lives.

Merry Christmas friends!

What is your favorite Christmas tradition?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

we are Santa's elves

These two little munchkins are the sweetest.

Look mom, can we get a pair for you and dad too??

Ummm...NO! heeeheeehee!

The kids were in matching pj's and I just couldn't help taking a million pictures of them.  
They were being so funny!!!

Elves play basketball too right?!

Hayden's ear all mashed into his hat, half sticking out makes him look like the perfect little elf!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

back to school

I have enjoyed having the kids home from school for the winter break.  We have been very busy playing with friends and playing with all the fun things they got for Christmas.

Monday was a teacher work day and Tuesday was a 'cold' day, so there wasn't school either day.

The kids are in their pj's this morning due to a 2 hour school delay.  They are headed back to school in a few hours and I think they are excited to see their buddies and get back into a routine.  

I know I'm ready for routine.  Bring on 2014, I feel like it is just beginning!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

We opened our traditional Christmas Eve gift of PJ's!

We all look forward to new pj's every year.

Lily was curious too!

I loved my pj's.  They are footed and so warm!

After we all put our pj's on the kids spread the reindeer food and crawled into bed for the night!

We had to put Lily inside because she was eating the oatmeal and sprinkles!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Home Sweet Home

We are so happy to be home with our doggies.  We really love them, can you tell?  I'm always talking about our pups!  They are such a huge part of our family.  If you think I'm in love, you should see the kiddos with their furry siblings!

The kids couldn't wait to get home and sort through their shells!  Actually I think they fought over them more than they sorted them.  They love to fight these days.  Summer is fun y'all!

We used today as a day to catch up on grocery shopping and chores.  It felt great at the end of the day today to sit down on the patio and enjoy a yummy healthy homecooked meal overlooking a freshly mowed yard!  Vacation is awesome, but home is great too!  Now if I ever catch up on laundry that will me a summer miracle!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

8 years old!!

Today is Layla Kate's birthday!

She is 8!

This year we stuck to our usual birthday tradition and we ate cake for breakfast.

The kids get to choose the flavor of cake they want, and Layla picked cheesecake this year.

I used a different recipe in a cheater crust and the cheesecake was spilling over the edges of the pan.  It tasted great, but I was thinking it was a little full, lotta sap...haha! Seriously.  I almost made a mess in my new oven.

Mmmmm strawberries!

Hayden loved joining Layla for cake for breakfast.

I love these birthday morning posts because I got back to years past to remember what flavor of cake they picked each year.  It's fun to see how they have grown over the year.

This year Layla asked for one gift.  She wanted a tablet.  She has proven that she is responsible enough to take care of one, so we gave her her wish!  It was awesome to see her face and the joy and excitement when she opened it!

Happy Birthday sweet girl...we love you to the moon and back!